Impress your Friends with Basketball

Here are some simple tips and tricks to impress your friends with basketball

It was the very last minutes of the game. Our team needed to score. Two baskets would be all it took to get the win. The rebound was retaken by our team, with our center playing flawlessly and not letting our Friends with Basketball opponents win the ball. Our team had to move quickly from defense to offensive. The center, still in the air and looking at me, turns her face towards the sideline. Before she hits the floor, she passes me the ball and I am off, dribbling as mad.

I was able to see the target and the range from which I needed to shoot. My opponents were all in front of me. My team took up strategic positions. A thought occurred to me: Should I shoot or pass? There was not enough time to think. The whistle was already in her mouth, and time was ticking away. Then time seems slow as if in dream sequences of a movie.

When I’m performing the action, I can clearly hear my coach’s voice through my ears. Focus on the subject when you are shooting. Focus your attention on the hoop. The target isn’t the whole basket, but the one point on the hoop. I sank down with my knees bent and held the ball in my hands. The referee blew a loud shrill and the ball flew over the rim and into my basket. My whole team raced towards me. We won!

Some Trivia

This fast-paced, adrenaline pumping game is second only after ice hockey. Two teams are formed with five players each. The goal of the game is to put the ball into the opponent’s basket. It is ten feet above the ground.

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Dr James Naismith (a former McGill University Athletic Director) had relocated to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he was now the YMCA Training School. Dr. Naismith created an indoor activity for skill development that would not depend on strength alone, since winters in the Northeast were brutally cold. In the first basketball game, a soccer ball was used and two peach baskets were used as goals.

Basketball has changed a lot over the years, from its primitive beginnings to the thrilling, exciting sport it is today. These changes include the way of playing, rules, court markings, equipment, and so forth. Here are some tips and tricks for basketball that you’ll find fascinating:

Shooting Tips

The goal is to score for your team by putting the ball in the basket. This exciting part of the game is

  • You should be relaxed when shooting. However, you must remain focused on the basket. Bank shots and layups should be attempted by the player who must focus on the backboard.
  • To shoot the ball properly, players must be perfectly balanced. It is crucial to be able to balance your body properly when taking a shot.
  • It is crucial to be able to judge the right moment to take a shot. Shooting too often is not a good idea. Players can learn to distinguish when it is time to shoot.
  • The jump shot should be used naturally. The ball should be released just at the top of the climb after the jump. It is easy to remember: “Up-Hover-Shoot”
  • Important is the follow-up after each shot. Players must practice proper follow through after every shot.
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Passing Tips

Passing is without doubt the most crucial aspect of the game. Effective ball passing is essential for the team’s ability to advance the ball.

Here are some rules of ball passing

  • Opt for the easiest passes.
  • Pass to the unmarked player.
  • Before actually passing the ball, do not make any fake movements.
  • You can use the air pass for a fast break instead of the bounce pass.
  • Dribble to make it easier for passers-by to pass.
  • Make use of the bounce pass to send the ball to your post.
  • Make sure you follow through on every step.
  • Make sure you pass away from the defense markings when you pass.
  • To pass, use both your hands. Single-handed passes can be much more difficult.

These are the dos and don’ts.

  • You shouldn’t shout in the general direction that a teammate is speaking.
  • Make sure you don’t jump in the air while making a pass.
  • You shouldn’t give a pass to someone who is heavily marked.
  • Do not pass the ball from center court. Instead, pick a side and pass there.

Dribbling Tips

It is likely that dribbling the ball is the skill players most enjoy. The act of manipulating the ball with your hands is magical. Here are some important aspects of dribbling players must keep in mind.

  • When dribbling, it is important that you keep your head down.
  • Important is to keep your head up while you dribble.
  • As you are advancing with your ball and dribbling, don’t avoid the defender. Instead, attack him/her.
  • The most efficient way to move is through dribbling.
  • It is important to learn how you can protect the ball by dribbling.
  • Each player has one strong hand. The weaker hand must always be strengthened in order to become an ambidextrous player.
  • You can keep your defender on his feet by learning to vary the speed of your dribbling.
  • A second tactic to keep your defender off balance is to learn how to abruptly change direction while dribbling.
  • Once the player beats the defender, it is time to learn how you can keep the opponent behind.
  • Constant practice can help improve your dribbling skills and techniques.
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